28 Mai 2019

Creating the s2i builder with ASCIIDOC generation software included

Vier aufgeschlagene Bücher auf einem Haufen

(Providing documentation the OpenShift way – Part 2)

For building the documentation pod, we need two components: the asciidoc html generator and the webserver for delivering the static pages later. There are several base containers published containing either the asciidoc generator or the webserver. I liked the converter published on https://github.com/asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor. But that is only the generator part. On the other hand there are default bsic containers like httpd or nginx containing the web server part. Or, as third option you could use a ruby s2i builder as starting point and add both, Asciidoc and the web server later.

28 Mai 2019

Providing documentation the OpenShift way – Part 1

Vier aufgeschlagene Bücher auf einem Haufen

Documentation is one of the most hated part of the life of a developer. So the documentation is often the most neglected part of a project. At work I use Asciidoctor to write my customer documentation and it is quite acceptable. I loved LaTeX and Asciidoctor is an acceptable replacement for technical documentation – especially with the alternatives being google doc or word.
